Feed Journaler 0.2 has been released, and is now available for download.

Many of the features are under the hood and are focused on improving the harvesting of RSS feed items. One of the largest improvements was adding the ability to import blog posts published with Drummer with Old School. Previously, attempts to import posts from Drummer were failing due to how the RSS content was being handled. This should now be resolved, and posts from Old School can be imported using the RSS feed (there may be some issues with images, which is a known issue and relates to how the posts are represented in the RSS feed. These may be address in a later release).

Other things address in this release:

  • Fixed a bug which was incorrectly using the feed’s URL instead of the GUID to track which items were imported. Feeds prior to this release should be fixed so as to avoid duplicate imports, but you may see one or two crop up.
  • Fixed HTML to Markdown translation for subscripts and superscripts which were previously lost in the HTML to Markdown translation. They will be imported as plain text, with superscripts having a ^ prefix added to them.

To upgrade Feed Journaler to version 0.2:

  • Download and unpack the ZIP file
  • Move “Feed Journaler.app” to the Applications folder. When asked whether you’d like to replace the existing version, click “Replace”.
  • Your existing feed configurations will be preserved without you having to do anything.

Feel free to send any feedback you may have regarding this release.